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Leadership Resources

  • Statement of Faith

    All leaders must complete the Side By Side Statement of Faith annually.

  • Informational Questionnaire

    Are you interested in starting a chapter? Please fill out our Informational Questionnaire and a Regional Director will connect with you soon!

Kindly note, the Leaders G Drive and Financial Form linked below are password-protected. If you do not have a password, please contact our team for access.

Password Required

  • Financial Form

    Each chapter is required to report their yearly financial information to CMDA. CMDA’s fiscal year for financial reporting is from July 1 - June 30. Please submit by July 15th.

  • Leader Resources Folder

    Access to our folder filled with resources including bible study suggestions, promotional tools and branding guidelines, annual forms, and more.

Have more questions?

A member of our team would be happy to help! Contact us by filling out the form on our contact us page to send us a message.