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Frequently Asked Questions

General Inquiries

  • Our ministry is specifically designed for women who are in medical or dental marriages, at any time in their journey. We do not exclude women who are not in a medical marriage from attending; however, our ministry focus will not change. We are and will continue to be an outreach ministry to women in a medical or dental marriage. We acknowledge the growing, legitimate need for a ministry to men who are also in a medical or dental marriage. We believe they have a different set of needs and understand that CMDA would welcome a conversation with a Godly man who feels called to care for these men.

  • Side By Side chapters should contain several core components: Bible study, prayer, and caring for one another. Aside from that, there is no “right” way for your chapter to look. Each chapter is unique as it meets the unique needs of its community; your chapter may have women who are older or younger in training or near retirement. Your chapter can meet year around, seasonally or during the school calendar year.

    Remember, your chapter size will likely begin small. This ministry started with six women around a kitchen table. Minister to those attending and God will grow your chapter as He sees fit.

  • To donate to the Side By Side General Fund, which covers all operating costs of our ministry at the national level, please visit Thank you so much for your faithful support of our ministry!

    All local chapter donations should be directed to your individual chapter; contact your chapter leader to learn how!

For Current Members

  • Side By Side provides connections and networking through our Regional Directors, our extensive network of wives, our Facebook group and our Instagram Page.

    Encouragement can be found in our monthly devotional “On the Side.

    Relationships are fostered at our Annual Conference at CMDA’s National Convention.

    Learning and study is available through our Right Now Media membership.

    Above all, Side By Side is a source of loving support, emotional bonding, prayer, delicious food and, of course, lots of laughter.

  • For those living in areas without a chapter meeting or one that meets at a time that doesn’t work for their schedule, we have a Virtual Group that meets via Zoom. Contact Us for more info.

Starting a New Chapter

  • Our leaders are women just like you. We come from a vast variety of backgrounds and denominations. We are moms; we are professionals; we are students. There is no one type of leader. All you need is a heart for the Lord and a heart for women in our ministry. We do require all leaders to fill out an informational questionnaire and sign our Statement of Faith. There is a small fee that can be paid online using this link:

    Our Regional Directors will guide you and pray for you as you take steps to make your Side By Side chapter official. Then she will support you along the way.

    Then we ask you to live out the ministry goals of Side By Side to the best of your ability, with God's help and with the accountability of your peers and support from a prayer partner. For more information about becoming a Side By Side leader, contact Side By Side.

  • A false perception exists that women married to doctors or dentists must surely have the "perfect life." It’s a common misconception we know is not true. Sometimes life as a medical wife can be very difficult and many women struggle with resentment, exhaustion, loneliness and isolation. It's not that these feelings don't occur in all marriages, but we do believe that medical marriages face unique circumstances which bring about those emotions..

    That's where Side By Side steps in. We believe there is something special about the support medical wives can offer each other. There is a sense of understanding that exists in a Side By Side chapter that might not exist in even the most well-intentioned ministry. And with that understanding, we provide a welcome environment to everyone, regardless of their spiritual background to begin to know or to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Some of our members would never come to a Bible study, but they'll come to Side By Side. Why? Because at Side By Side they find women who understand what they are going through; they find instant help and companionship; they find friendship and a connection away from home.

    But our main goal is to reach women for Christ. We believe God has given us a unique ministry platform and an opportunity to reach medical spouses for Christ. We seek to serve Him right where we are, within our sphere of influence; at Side By Side, that happens to be those in our medical community. We invite you to join us in reaching out to the medical wives in your community and loving them as Jesus does.

  • We want to help you establish this ministry established in your community. We will put you in touch with the Side By Side Regional Director for your area who will be there to guide you each step of the way.

    After receiving your signed Statement of Faith and your start up fee, we will provide you with our Side By Side Leader Resources Folder. This folder contains the Side By Side Ministry Manual, Annual Chapter Forms, Bible Study Suggestions, Financial Information, New Chapter Information, Photos for Websites, Promotional Tools, SBS Logos and information on Strengthening Your Chapter.

    We will connect you with our invite-only Facebook Leadership Team group. Each month, leaders receive an email from the Executive Team with upcoming important dates, encouragement, resources and reminders.

    Additionally, we will provide prayer support, networking through our CMDA affiliation and monthly encouragement through our On the Side e-newsletter.

  • We require a one-time charter fee of $50 to officially become a local chapter of Side By Side.

    At the present time, we do not require annual dues. However, that may change in the future.

    We do not want the cost to get in the way of forming a new chapter. Please contact us if this charter fee creates a problem for your chapter. Other costs you may consider in starting your chapter is the cost of childcare and books. We recommend having your members contribute to these costs by paying for their own childcare and books, but leaders will often supplement the costs.

  • To get started, simply fill out our Informational Questionnaire and one of our Regional Directors will be in touch with you soon!

A member of our team would be happy to help! Contact us by filling out the form on our contact us page to send us a message.

Have more questions?